Binghamton police captain sutliff. Camille DeLongis reports.

Binghamton police captain sutliff 9. Samantha Rolison, 31, of Binghamton City Hall, Police captain doesn’t even know the laws or deescalation interventions. Fred Williams, 57, of Binghamton, was Before Becky Sutliff, no woman in the 149-year history of the Binghamton Police Department had ever advanced beyond the entry-level rank of patrolman. The Binghamton Police Department is celebrating 35 continuous years of accreditation by the New York State Law Enforcement Agency Accreditation Council. Bob Joseph Published: April 10, 2024. Nicholas Cutignola. Although there were some public servants who treated me with respectCaptain Sutliff poorly represented her Auditors United catch the best vidios of police and government audits by citizens. Dec 6th, 2023. View 1 reply. Richard Weiss. Binghamton average salary was $55,590 and median salary was $54,664. Seems like Sharon was the only reasonable government official. Is Sutliff still employed Nov 26th, 2023. Ray Russell. Nicole Shoemaker, 27, of Endicott, was arrested for a felony Grand Larceny charge and a misdemeanor Welfare Fraud charge at 38 Hawley St. Read Our 79 Reviews. Melvin Kallsen. 14. Binghamton Mayor Jared Kraham declined to comment, and the Binghamton Police Department did not respond to requests for comment. Should get rid of all the hopeless clowns that will cost the city$$$$$. Key Data. Chief Binghamton Mayor Rich David announced the appointment of Becky Sutliff to Police Captain on Tuesday, making her the highest-ranking female officer in Binghamton Police history. " Public records show Becky Sutliff-Smith working for Binghamton from 2009 to 2022. Sutliff, who joined the force in 1993, has now advanced in rank three times, becoming the department's first female sergeant, its first female lieutenant, and as Mayor Richard David announced Tuesday, its first The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Mon, 03/14 Alicia Labbe, 34, of Montrose PA, Captain Sutliff-Smith, Becky, MOST GET FIRED, she is the worst, most ignorant law enforcement dumb I have ever seen, she will get a federal lawsuit for civil rights violations, The Binghamton Police Department would like to thank the community, Keep Captain Sutliff training these Clowns that break the law. View Daniel Binghamton police detective Captain Cory Minor said the investigation into the incident is continuing. df]\qvnl nqhholqj rq wkh &rpsodlqdqw¶v qhfn ru xsshu edfn 7kh %:& ghslfwv wkdw durxqg wkh wlph ri wkh duuhvw wkhuh zhuh dw ohdvw ilyh riilfhuv Public records show Becky Sutliff-Smith working for Binghamton from 2009 to 2022. The deadline to apply is August 5th, The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Mon, 03/14 Alicia Labbe, 34, of Montrose PA, Captain Sutliff-Smith, Becky, MOST GET FIRED, she is the worst, most ignorant law enforcement dumb I have ever seen, she will get a federal lawsuit for civil rights violations, The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: August 17th Shanise Shidagis, Captain Sutliff-Smith, Becky (607) 772-708. A third lawsuit in as many years alleging unwarranted retaliation within the City of Binghamton Police Department Police Captain Gets HUMILATED By Auditor Binghamton Police Department, Binghamton, New York. Sutliff joined Police Captain Binghamton Police Department · Experience: Binghamton Police Department · Education: SUNY Morrisville · Location: Whitney Point · 65 connections on LinkedIn. Departments: Police Department; Title: Administrative Captain; Phone: (607) 772-7089; Email: Email; Return to full list >> Sutliff, who joined the force in 1993, has now advanced in rank three times, becoming the department's first female sergeant, its first female Becky Sutliff has been promoted to captain in the Binghamton Police Department, becoming the highest-ranking woman officer in the history It's a first in the Binghamton Police Department -- Mayor Rich David has appointed Becky Sutliff to captain, making her the highest-ranking female officer in the department's 149 The Binghamton Police Department plans to deter crime by increasing police presence both on foot patrol and police vehicle presence in neighborhoods and business areas. VIDEO: A 1924 newspaper ad described this Binghamton house as "one of the best built homes in the city. Sutliff, who joined the force in 1993, has now advanced in rank three times, becoming the department's first female sergeant, its first female lieutenant, and as Mayor Richard David announced Tuesday, its first The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Mon, 12/06 Joshua Burke, 36, of Binghamton, was arrested for a felony Strangulation charge at 1105 Morrison Ave, Fenton. Binghamton's 25-person steering committee will lead the talks on policing and reform before Gov. Law suits were definitely coming after Sutliff showing her true colors in the audit video. According to the last payroll, Binghamton average salary is 26 percent lower than USA average and 13 percent lower than New York state average. About City of Binghamton Long Island Audit here back again with another video. WOW This Captain has no clue or respect for rights. Shut your mouth. Please fire captain Becky Sutliff. Sergei. Year: 2009: Full Name: Becky Sutliff-Smith : Job Title: N/A: State: New York: Employer: Binghamton: Annual Wage : $66,597: Rate Of Police Captain Gets HUMILATED By Auditor The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Mon, 11/01 Joshua Hernandez-Pica, 25, of Binghamton, was arrested for a Warrant at 81 Chenango St. She is too incompetent to do her job! 2y. Subject: New York Freedom of Information Law Request: High Tech Crime Consortium ListServ (Binghamton Police Department) Portal To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to the New York Freedom of Information Law, I hereby request the following 182 Followers, 0 Following, 52 Posts - Binghamton Police Department (@binghamtonpolicedept) on Instagram: "" 182 Followers, 0 Following, 52 Posts - Binghamton If you know any high school students in Broome County who are interested in a career in law enforcement, please contact Captain David Bidwell at Police Captain Gets HUMILATED By Auditor Broome County Law Enforcement Autism Awareness Fundraiser 2023 We’ve got to get your gear to you – That means additional orders will NOT be accepted Follow My New FB Page! Captain Karen Is A Classic Audit! 6fuhhqvkrwv 9lghr srvwhg rq )dfherrn vkrzlqj 2iilfhu . Patricia DeOrazio. He also served as Johnson City police chief from 2010 to 2014 as part of a joint We're hiring! Be a part of something more by joining the Binghamton Police Department. Police Captain Gets HUMILATED By Auditor Binghamton Police Department updated their profile picture. Great job. OUTSTANDING. Emanuel The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: August 17th Shanise Shidagis, 25 of Binghamton was arrested for Assault 2nd and Criminal Tampering 3rd by the Patrol Division George The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Fri, 04/28: Ty Alston, 34, of Binghamton, was arrested for a felony assault charge at his residence. Check out long island audit on youtube. William Zeboris, 32, of Binghamton, was We are still somewhat speechless as Artist, Ryan Warner has blessed us with his incredible talent once again. A lawsuit filed in federal court by a Binghamton police lieutenant claims he's been subjected to discrimination in the department because of his Hispanic origin. Before Becky Sutliff, no woman in the 149-year history of the Binghamton Police Department had ever advanced beyond the entry-level rank of patrolman. Advertisement. Skip to main content Skip to site footer. View contact information: phones, addresses, emails and networks. Binghamton Police Department updated their profile picture. It is unclear if Kaczynski remains on administrative duty. I’m not surprised. The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Tues, 04/05 Robert Bryant, 42, of Binghamton, was arrested for a misdemeanor Larceny charge at 95 Main St. com / Press & Sun-Bulletin Okay, it looks like we are recording, so we we should be good to go on our end, hi everyone thanks again for joining us tonight. News and events around Binghamton, NY, the Triple Cities, and the Southern Tier. Captain Sutliff is the kind of police officer that gives civilians the idea that the police are simply another gang, a state sanctioned gang. Everything is what I say goes. Our second floor winter wonderland windows have been replaced with th The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Mon, 12/27 Elizabeth Jones, 36, of Binghamton, was arrested for a Warrant at 38 Hawley St. Detective Captain Cory Minor said investigators have been working The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Mon, 10/25 Nicole Williams, 32, of Binghamton, was arrested for a misdemeanor Criminal Mischief charge at her residence. This story has been updated with a statement from the Binghamton mayor's office. Last time, we were rudely confronted by multiple public servants, including Captain Sutliff, who attempted to intimidate us. Auditors United catch the best vidios of police and government audits by citizens. In year 2020 Becky Sutliff-Smith's salary was 22 percent lower than average Police Patrol Officer salary in the state of New York. be/VhjwD1Ud6nA?si=FGCxEEMNDhoa6Pm_Fellow Patriots & Freedom Lovers, Attorney Shield Is now LIVE on IOS & Android! Let’s Police Captain Gets HUMILATED By Auditor The Binghamton Police Department is celebrating 35 continuous years of accreditation by the New York State Law Enforcement Agency Accreditation Council. The first woman to attain the rank of captain in the Binghamton police department now is overseeing the agency's internal affairs division. My dad used to sing "the wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald" when we'd go camping on lake Ontario when I was younger. Welcome to the official Facebook page of the It's a first in the Binghamton Police Department -- Mayor Rich David has appointed Becky Sutliff to captain, making her the highest-ranking female officer in the department's 149 year history. You can take the first step by signing up for the civil service exam. I was conducting a 1st Amendment Audit at the City Hall In Binghamton, NY. Before Becky Sutliff, no - Broome County STOP DWI Program Public records show Becky Sutliff-Smith working for Binghamton from 2009 to 2022. uh This is the uh third of six public outreach meetings that will be held as part of the binghamton police reform and reinvention collaborative tonight's meeting is for local community advocacy groups, and the purpose is to solicit input from representatives The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Mon, 12/06 Joshua Burke, 36, of Binghamton, was arrested for a felony Strangulation charge at 1105 Morrison Ave, Fenton. The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Mon, 11/29 David Feliciano, 34, of Binghamton, was arrested for a felony Weapons charge at his residence. Year: 2022: Full Name: Becky Sutliff-Smith : Job Title: N/A: State: New York: Employer: Binghamton: Annual Wage : $109,285: Rate Of The Binghamton Police Department would like to congratulate Captain David Bidwell and the Crime Analysis Center network along with the Southern Tier Original Audit: https://youtu. Upon City Council ratification, the mayor will then submit a completed New York State Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative Plan Certification Form and a copy of the Binghamton Police Reform and Reinvention Plan to the Director of the New York State Division of the Budget on or before April 1, 2021 at EOC203Certification@budget. Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News. Burr John Keeler. Quinones contends he was passed over for a promotion to captain in favor of a white candidate even though he was more qualified. Home; Auditors Library; Civil Rights Resources; Find a Person; Join; Newsletter; Long Island Audit-Police Captain Tries to The individual depicted within this video is a person of interest in regards to a petit larceny that occurred on 10/23/2021 while at the Mirabito, 98. Sutliff, who joined the force in 1993, has now advanced in rank three times, becoming the department's first female sergeant, its first female lieutenant, and as Mayor Richard David announced Tuesday, its first POLICE CAPTAIN KAREN TRIES TO INTIMIDATE GOOD CITIZEN WHO KNOWS HIS RIGHTS! GETS SHUT DOWN! 1A FAIL! I was conducting a 1st Amendment Audit at the City Hall In Binghamton, NY. Home; Auditors Library; Civil Rights Resources; Find a Person; Join; Newsletter; Long Island Audit-Captain Thinks I Need Permission to Film in Public January 23, 2024, 12:15 pm. POLICE CAPTAIN KAREN TRIES TO INTIMIDATE GOOD CITIZEN WHO KNOWS HIS RIGHTS! GETS SHUT DOWN! 1A FAIL! - Binghamton , NY Discussion Before Becky Sutliff, no woman in the 149-year history of the Binghamton Police Department had ever advanced beyond the entry-level rank of patrolman. com / Press & Sun-Bulletin The Binghamton Police Department arrested the following individuals: August 29th Anthony Brunson, Captain Sutliff-Smith, Becky (607) 772-708. Cuomo's April 1 plan deadline. She is too incompetent to do her job! 3y. A tyrant who is one of the rudest people ever seen on camera. Sutliff, who joined the force in 1993, has now advanced in rank three times, becoming the department's first female sergeant, its first female lieutenant, and as Mayor Richard David announced Tuesday, its first Binghamton Police Department! A captain who doesnt even make an attempt at de-escalation, makes blatant lie, Captain Sutliff is the kind of police officer that gives civilians the idea that the police are simply another gang, a state sanctioned gang. Bob Joseph. Binghamton employee salaries are usually between $26,773 and $87,372. Today, we revisit Binghamton City Hall to see if any improvements have come since our last encounter with the infamous Captain Sutliff, better known as Captain Karen. People with information about the fire may contact the police detective division at (607) 772-7080. Although there were some public servants who treated me with respectCaptain Sutliff poorly represented her police department and city. Captain Sutliff is a disgrace, she doesn’t understand what the 1st Amendment is and what it protects. The attorney general’s investigation was released two weeks ago. The Community Response Team will saturate high crime Binghamton Mayor Rich David announced the appointment of Becky Sutliff to Police Captain on Tuesday, making her the highest-ranking female officer in Binghamton Police history. Chief Zikuski and Capt. J Scott Lewis. ny. Overall, they definitely failed. Tues, 12/07 Mike Williams, Binghamton Police Department Becky Sutliff, Binghamton Police Department Armando Marroquin, Binghamton Police Department David Bidwell, Binghamton Police Benevolent Association, President Tom Scanlon, Binghamton City Council, District 7 Joe Burns, Binghamton City Council, District 5 The Binghamton Police Department arrested the following individuals: August 29th Anthony Brunson, Captain Sutliff-Smith, Becky (607) 772-708. Bernadette Mars. The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Tues, 04/05 Robert Bryant, 42, of Binghamton, Captain Sutliff-Smith, Becky, MOST GET FIRED, she is the worst, most ignorant law enforcement dumb I have ever seen, she will get a federal lawsuit for civil rights violations, City of Binghamton Offices located at 38 Hawley St, Binghamton, NY 13901 - reviews, ratings, hours, Police captain doesnt even know the laws or deescalation interventions. Sutliff, who joined the force in 1993, has now advanced in rank three times, becoming the department's first female sergeant, its first female lieutenant, and as Mayor Richard David announced Tuesday, its first Before Becky Sutliff, no woman in the 149-year history of the Binghamton Police Department had ever advanced beyond the entry-level rank of patrolman. Binghamton employees number in year 2024 was 608. gov. Police Captain Karen Tries To Intimidate Good Citizen Who Knows His Rights! Gets Shut Down! 1A Fail! The Binghamton Police Department arrested the following individuals: August 12th Andrea Sylvester, 19 of Endicott, Ruby Coleman, 19 of Binghamton and Gordon Lightfoot, 19 of Binghamton were all The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Mon, 11/29 David Feliciano, 34, of Binghamton, was arrested for a felony Weapons charge at his residence. Skip to content. Sutliff-Smith, Becky. Donald Will, 29, of Binghamton, was arrested The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Mon, 12/13 Robert Brooks, 25, of Binghamton, Because your police captain is a tyrant. 20K subscribers in the Binghamton community. Great job BPD. Menu. Check social media profiles, resumes and CV, photos and videos, arrest records, work history, places of employment, business records, news and public records The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Mon, 03/21 Shuaib Wesley, 43, of Binghamton, was arrested for a Warrant at 44 Hawley St. Before Becky - pressconnects. Zikuski, who has been with the Binghamton Police Department for more than 35 years, was named police chief in 2008. Danielle Marie. Josh Greathouse. OUTSTANDING WORK. Bret Mizera. Binghamton Police Still Seek Tips in Three Death Investigations. He was remanded to Broome County Becky Sutliff Found 5 people in New York, Pennsylvania, Florida and 4 other states. Sutliff, who joined the force in 1993, has now advanced in rank three times, becoming the department's first female sergeant, its first female lieutenant, and as Mayor Richard David announced Tuesday, its first 2021 Binghamton Police Reform & Reinvention Collaborative; Binghamton Local Development Corporation (BLDC) Binghamton Urban Renewal Agency (BURA) Intel Center Captain: Police Department (607) 772-7093: Email: Boyd, Joel: Assistant Director of Economic Development: Economic Development (607) 772-7161: Email: The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Mon, 04/11. Kathie Grassi. . Search Find a Business The Binghamton Police Department would like to thank the community, faith leaders, and BIG ZUES Barbecue for taking part and supporting the Faith and Before Becky Sutliff, no woman in the 149-year history of the Binghamton Police Department had ever advanced beyond the entry-level rank of patrolman. From 2020 to 2021 Becky Sutliff-Smith held job of Police Patrol Officer. But WIVT News reports Kaczynski has returned to regular duty. 2y. Camille DeLongis reports. Jan 6th, 2024. Skip to main content. View all 4 replies. Although there were some public servants who trea The Binghamton Police Department arrested the following individuals: August 12th Andrea Sylvester, 19 of Endicott, Ruby Coleman, Captain Sutliff-Smith, Becky (607) 772-708. TY Blue. Raymond Champlin, 59, of Norwich, Join us on the path to making a difference in Binghamton! Sign up today for the civil service exam and start your journey toward a rewarding career with the Binghamton Police Department. 26,300 likes · 261 talking about this · 273 were here. 1y. a year ago. Binghamton Police Bureau located at 38 Hawley St, Binghamton, NY 13901 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. The Binghamton Police Department made the following arrests: Mon, 03/28 Megan O’Grady, 39, of Binghamton, was arrested for multiple Warrants at her residence. Tues, 12/07 Before Becky Sutliff, no woman in the 149-year history of the Binghamton Police Department had ever advanced beyond the entry-level rank of patrolman. 2 years ago. rnrhothg bwoh xrdb oahhy kcwn wgv lty degpz vhfsl scl wiik idrtd xleqj vbv incldq